Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or your mobile device by our website’s server when you visit our website. Cookies placed by the owner of the website are called “first-party cookies”. Cookies placed by others are called “third-party cookies”. Third-party cookies allow third-party features (such as analytics, ads, and videos) to be provided on or through our website. We use cookies on our website to make its operation more functional and efficient. We also use cookies to facilitate and improve your access and navigation by providing functionalities that offer the full potential of the website and ensure the correct display of the content. Cookies are separated in different categories. Our website uses:
a) some strictly necessary technical cookies,
b) some performance cookies which we use to better understand the performance and the function of our website,
c) cookies for targeting purposes, that are used to collect information regarding your actions in the website
Except for strictly necessary cookies, all other cookies are only installed if you provide your consent upon visiting our website. If you choose to reject all cookies, the only cookies that will be installed in your device are the ones that are strictly necessary for its operation. Once you have set your preferences, you can always adjust the cookie settings and/or opt-out by clicking “CHANGE YOUR COOKIE SETTINGS”, at the bottom of the page and returning to the cookie banner.
More specifically, the cookies used by our Website are as follows:
Strictly Necessary Cookies
Strictly necessary cookies are essential for the proper technical operation of the website and you cannot choose to reject their installation. Some of these cookies also support some basic functionalities of the website based on your choices (i.e. language, account or other) that allow browsing and making use of the website’s functions. These cookies do not identify you and without them the website cannot function and operate properly. These cookies are only installed for a specific browsing session or a very limited timeframe, usually no more than 30 minutes.
Performance Cookies
Performance cookies allow the website to remember your preferences in order to provide you with enhanced and personalized functions. They may also be used for the provision of services requested by you, such as video display and the use of social media. Such cookies cannot track your browsing activity to other websites. In case you decide not to install such cookies, this might affect your user experience. For example, for any click on the website you may be required to enter your username and password repeatedly.
Targeting Cookies
Targeting cookies collect information regarding your actions in the website. The purpose of their use is to collect information such as the number of visitors, number of pages viewed etc., in order to improve our services, according to your preferences. With regard to advertisements, although this website does not host advertisements, when you visit third party websites or social media using advertisements, you might view an advertisement regarding our website and a product viewed therein.
Please note that when you enter our website, we will only install cookies that are strictly necessary for the function of our website. By entering our website, you state that you have read and comprehended the terms under which cookies are installed and the function and purposes they serve. By using our website, you state that you have been informed about everything mentioned above.
When you visit our website a cookie banner pops up and informs you about the use of our cookies. You can choose to use all our cookies, reject them all or further modify your cookie settings. If you want to learn more about the categories of cookies we use or their sub-categories, you can choose the “cookie settings” button.
You may choose to ignore the cookie banner by selecting the “X” button and closing the pop-up window. In that case, we will only install the cookies that are strictly necessary for the function of our website.
Once you have set your preferences, you can always adjust the cookie settings and o opt-out at any time by clicking “CHANGE YOUR COOKIE SETTINGS”, at the bottom of the page. The pop-up banner will indicate your previous settings and allow you to change your selection. Remember to select “Save my selection” so that the cookies are properly modified for this session and all sessions thereof.
We advise you to visit this webpage regularly in order to stay updated regarding our use of cookies and any new functionalities and/or uses we may add. We will never change your cookies settings before receiving your consent to do so.
You may also adjust your cookie settings from your browser and consequently change your consent to our use of cookies. The use of cookies is unique for every browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge etc.) and they contain information about the websites you visit and the devices you use. You can learn more about how cookies are installed by your browser by visiting their dedicated page. If you use any of the following browsers, you can visit their guidelines on how to manage your cookies (please note that the links to privacy and cookie policies of individual browsers may be updated or altered, so we advise you to check regularly for updates):