The constitutional guarantee of aesthetics and memory

Eleni Trova, Institute of Hellenic Constitutional History and Constitutional Law, Studies 5, Archaeological Heritage: Current trends in its legal protection, (International Conference, Athens 26-27 November 1992), P. Sakkoulas Bros. Publishers, Athens 1995, p. 105- 115, (Original French title: La garantie constitutionnelle de l’esthétique et de la mémoire).

Safeguarding cultural property in the Greek system, Cultural possessions

Eleni Trova, Single demands for protection within a plurality of systems, edited by Luca Mezzeti, CEDAM, Padova, 1995, (collective project), p. 339- 352. (Original Italian title: La tutella del patrimonio culturale nell’ordinamento greco, I beni culturali, Esigenze unitarie di tutela e pluralta de ordinamenti).